
Things To do while Meditation that is beneficial for you.

Understanding where to direct your attention during meditation is key to enhancing your practice. However, it is essential to show yourself kindness and patience as you delve into the depths of your mind. Here are few thoughts to concentrate on if your mind starts to drift during meditation:

1.Direct your attention to the movement of your breath. 

This is one of the easiest and most impactful focal points. Pay attention to the pattern of your breath, notice the cool air entering your lungs, and the warm air exiting. Stay mindful of each breath entering and leaving your body.

2. Direct your attention to a calming visualization. 

Use your mind’s eye to picture peaceful and soothing scenes, such as a quiet beach or a tranquil forest, to help you feel relaxed.

3. Pay attention to the Sensation in your body. 

Notice the various sensations in your body, such as the chair or cushion supporting you, the air touching your skin, or the beating of your heart.

4. Direct your attention towards sending loving-kindness to yourself and/or others. 

Loving-kindness meditation entails sending positive wishes and love to others, beginning with yourself and expanding to loved ones, strangers, and ultimately the entire universe.

5. Say a short phrase aloud.

Try reciting a mantra to help you relax.

Snyder says, “You can even begin by saying to yourself, ‘peace, peace, peace,’ and repeat this to yourself silently while you meditate.”

You’ll be able to effortlessly enter this serene place with practice.

6. Make use of an anchor

It’s useful to have an anchor to help you return to the present when thoughts start to arise.

According to neuroscientist and meditation instructor Nicole Tetreault, PhD, “Be here now, as Ram Dass says.”

“Anchors in meditation include noticing the body, such as feet grounded on the ground, and focusing on the rise and fall of the breath,” according to Tetreault. “Meditation enables thoughts of organising, recalling, and envisioning to come and go like clouds passing through the sky.”

You can let strong feelings or emotions come and go, just like a river of water.

Tetreault continues, “It also allows whatever arises without judgement and without attachment or detachment to manipulate the experience.”

7. Make an affirmation

If your mind drifts, consider saying a positive affirmation aloud.During meditation, you can try the following affirmations:

  • I’m at ease.
  • I’m here.
  • I’m able to bring about peace.
  • I have a solid foundation.
  • I’m Isolated.
  • I am able to inhale deeply.
  • I’m concentrated.
  • I’m in pure nature.
  • I breathe slowly, but I have strength and power.
  • I let go of my worries and tension.

FAQs related to Meditation

1. How long should I practice meditation every day?

Begin with shorter sessions (5–10 minutes), and as you get comfortable, lengthen them gradually. Many find that 20 to 30 minutes a day are beneficial.

2. Is it okay to use guided meditations?

Indeed. Particularly for beginners, guided meditations can be beneficial because they offer guidance and support with focus.

3. Can I lay down while meditate?

Sure, but watch out when you go to sleep. If you want to relax, lying down might be a better option than deep meditation.

4. What should I do if my thoughts are diverting?

Redirect your attention to your mantra or your breath, or back to your chosen point of attention, slowly. It is common for the mind to stray; the trick is to gently refocus it.

5. Should I keep my eyes open or closed?

Depending on what each person prefers. Although closing your eyes can help reduce visual distractions, some people find that an alerter meditation results from keeping them open.

6. What should I pay attention to when I meditate?

Pay attention to your breathing, your body’s sensations, or a particular mantra. To focus your attention on the here and now is the aim.

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