Katalin Novak

Hungary President Katalin Novak resigns amid controversy surrounding Child Sex Abuse Pardon

On Saturday, Hungarian President Katalin Novak submitted her resignation following a public uproar over a pardon she gave to a man found guilty of being an accomplice in a case of child sexual abuse. The 46-year-old, who has served as president since 2022, made her decision to resign publically in a broadcast speech. 

Following the revelation that she had granted a presidential pardon in April 2023 to a man found guilty of concealing a series of child sexual abuses at a state-run children’s home, the decision was met with more than a week of public outcry. On Saturday, Katalin Novak stated, “I issued a pardon that caused confusion and unrest for many people.” “I made a mistake.”

The resignation of Katalin Novak marked a unique period of political unrest for Fidesz, the nationalist party that has governed Hungary with a constitutional majority since 2010. Fidesz has come under fire for allegedly destroying democratic institutions and manipulating the media and election process to its advantage under the direction of far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Prior to being appointed to the presidency, Novák—a significant Orbán ally and a former vice president of Fidesz—served as the minister for families. She has been a vocal supporter of traditional family values and child protection. She was the youngest person to ever hold the position and the first female president in Hungary’s history. 

However, her term ended when she granted a pardon to a man who had been given a sentence of more than three years in prison in 2018. The director of the institution, who was given an eight-year sentence for sexually abusing at least ten children between 2004 and 2016, was found guilty of pressuring victims to back down from their allegations of abuse. 

What Katalin Novak Said

Judit Varga, a significant Fidesz figure who was the minister of justice at the time and supported the pardon, was also implicated. Varga was predicted to be at the top of Fidesz’s list of candidates for the European Parliament when elections take place this summer. However, Varga declared on Saturday in a Facebook post that she would assume political responsibility and “retire from public life, resigning my seat as a member of parliament and also as leader of the EP list”.

Protest at Presidential Headquarter in Budapest

Katalin Novak

In what was initially intended to be a protest, about 200 people gathered at the presidential headquarters in Budapest on Saturday evening to demand that Novák step down. Following her declaration, participants expressed their happiness but agreed that it was insufficient to radically alter Orbán’s political structure. “While I’m happy she resigned, I don’t think this is the best way to solve the problem. You have to look all the way up to the top; she’s not the main criminal,” Anna Bujna remarked.

With the strongest support of all the political parties in Hungary, Fidesz led by Orbán has won four elections in a row thanks to a divided opposition. His administration has come under fire from other EU members for delaying important decisions like allowing Sweden to join NATO and supporting Ukraine, despite being the most pro-Kremlin of all. In a statement released on Saturday, Máté Kocsis, the leader of Fidesz’s parliamentary delegation, said that Katalin Novak and Varga had made a “responsible decision” and extended gratitude to them for their efforts.

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